we make mistakes

We want to let you know that we make mistakes, and we are proud of that!

The building industry on social media is typically a highlight reel of beautifully finished photos, but we are here to tell you it's not always like that.

Behind all these photos are usually many things we get wrong, forget to do, and moments of disappointment. This is the reality of our industry, and there is no hiding from it. We are not too proud to admit we make mistakes, but that's how we learn. Mistakes are the reason we are in the position we are in today.

We own them and learn from them allowing us to improve.

If we didn't make mistakes, we wouldn't have found ourselves in the high-performance and Passivhaus space. Our errors forced us to challenge our thoughts and beliefs about what is possible.

Our preconstruction process constantly evolves due to the mistakes we make. We missed a combined drain in our preliminary site investigation, so now we add it to the check box to ensure we look for this. We have a potential client with an unrealistic budget and let it progress further; now we have the confidence to say no, that can't be done and educate them on what their budget can do for them.

We forgot to include something in our estimate that costs us thousands of dollars; we now have checks to ensure these things are limited. We miss a small detail on site about how something is meant to finish; we fix it.

These things happen, and way more often than you might think. The other day I ordered a window the wrong size, but you own it and move on.

We don't live in a fantasy land where everything we do is unicorns and rainbows, and everything is perfect. Mistakes happen around us all the time, and that is normal. All our mistakes do is enable us to be better and make sure that mistake is not made again.

No one ever gets angry when you admit a mistake. Yes, they might get frustrated, but owning up to that mistake will only help solve the problem and help reduce your stress and anxiety.

No one intentionally makes a mistake; that is why it's called a mistake!


Why intelligent membranes are important


In today’s world, a home cannot be defined as sustainable if it is not air tight and does not include mechanical ventialtion