Passive House Construction + Building Consulting

We know what we know, and we know that we understand a lot about construction and passive house. We know how to build them, and we have evidence to support that.

We have worked on a number of passive house projects onsite. We have seen these projects grow from the preconstruction concept phase all the way through completion and certification.

We have worked on new build passive house projects, SIPS passive houses', retrofits turning volume builder homes into a passive house and working on heritage structures that are seeking passive house certification. We have a broad range of experiences that covers

  • Passive house and buildability

  • Passive house costings

  • Passive house construction detailing

  • Understanding the key areas that need to be documented during the construction process

  • Quality assurance items regarding the foundation and building structure of Passive House buildings during the early construction phases

  • Quality assurance items regarding examination of airtightness onsite for external wall solid construction, external wall lightweight construction, roof, windows and doors and other general issues

  • Managing thermal bridges, insulation installation, and structural integrity.

  • Installation and quality assurance for Passive House windows and doors.

  • Installation and commissioning of mechanical services, including ventilation and heating systems.

  • Techniques for ensuring quality in stepwise retrofits and certification documentation.

  • Onsite verification

  • Blower Door testing

  • Completed Certfied Passivhaus Tradesperson Course

Our experience is not based on a training course; it's based on multiple years of building certified passive house projects and high-performance homes.

If you would like to understand more about our passive house construction and building consulting for projects, please reach out to or fill out the contact form below.

Building Consulting